Friday 5 November 2010

A day at the foundation

Hello dear all,

The last few days have been tiring. The food here is quite good and the fruits very varied and gusto mucho (very tasty). I will probably convince Hugo and Walter that we absolutely need to have as much fruit of as many as possible types here for an international Theosophian conference that we are having around Christmas and New Year.

But I´m running on empty and they seriously serve like 3 large warm meals every day of the week. Im sleepy. Interacting with the kids even if I am just sitting still and talking is tiring. My voice is still (and has been for 3 to 4 days) a little bit shot from the daily singing and decreeing session.

A couple of days ago in the morning or evening (I seriously do not remember…) I was done doing something and Hugo was sitting next to me in front of the computer. I was paying attention to the light I felt in my being… and then poof! ¡It was gone! There was suddenly darkness a moment after I said something to Hugo which I would have only said if I felt the light and God his blessings on me. But anyway, the instant I finished saying that I felt the light leave me and I became afraid that I would eventually do things acting out from this sudden feeling of darkness (and also that I had lied about something, I don’t remember what it was exactly). Afraid that I would do serious harm here ¿¡Where had the light and the blessings gone?! I was not panicking, but I was slowly growing a little concerned. I kept thinking in myself, what now? Then I the thought came to mind that no matter how much darkness I am in, I will choose the light. And I chose for that and then the light that I need so much returned, but this time I was given a lesson in first looking to God and not his blessings.

Hugos perseverance does show itself to me, even though that doesn’t mean he is all powerful and a hero who never sleeps. Hugo is constantly busy (even while his body sleeps), seemingly forgetting himself in his sacred work here and it certainly is sacred and blessed. It shows in the way the kids love this place and how they love him and how he loves them and how they both embrace each other. But some things are taking a toll on him probably much more then it shows on the outside. Today he is taking naps and sleeping early. I think he could use our prayers and support a lot.

This morning Hugo related to me that Yilber (in English pronounced as Gilber), a very dear participant who has been with us for a long tiempo (time) is in a challenging situation. Colombia here is mostly Catholic Christian. A lady told his parents that we worship the devil. She probably said this because we (the volunteers) give mantras to beings that are not associated with the catholic faith. We do have Mother Mary and Jesus Christ but also Buddha, Hanuman, Shiva, all the Archangels, Saint Germain, El Morya and others. I don’t know exactly what she said but it seemed like she said that every night or some nights we get together around a bonfire and personally bow down to the devil. I imagined that practically means dancing naked around a fire heckling like medieval witches. Yilbers parents have prohibited him and his two sisters from visiting us any more. His two sisters weren’t really involved and will stay away, but Yilbert is very involved and like most of the kids and adoscelents here enjoys my presence a lot. He continues to come in spite of his parents. In about 2 or 3 months he will be 18 years old and not officially obliged to obey his parents, although he probably still living with his parents.

This morning like 5 or 10 minutes after I heard that Yilber his parents did not want him to come here any more an intense sadness came over me and I wept and cried as I started to write him a letter which was en Espanól medio y le otre medio Ingles (half broken Spanish and the other half English). Eventually I thought I heard his voice and went to check out and did see him appear here again, so my heart was glad for that because he has such a very good heart. He seemed to ask what I was writing and I was at a loss to explain. I was rather heavy on esoteric language in this letter, and I wonder if it was inspired from above or below. I am still afraid he wont show up tomorrow, because from what I can gather he is basically coming here without telling his parents and it could very well be that if they find out that they are going to be angry with him and cause him not to want to come in some way.

We prayed to God that this situation with gossiping like the lady is doing - saying that we are devil worshippers - be judged in accordance with Gods holy will and fiery justice mercy and compassion. He is after all a burning fire that consumes all that is anti-Christ. Will he lay lazy when we ask le Padre Bueno, en Cielo (the Good Father, in Heaven) for salvation and freedom to be regardless of the resistance?

Hugo showed me a picture of Yilbert and a young lady probably his age who I think is or was his girlfriend. She stopped coming to Yo Creo En Mi because there is or was another young lady here who she was really avoiding.

Hugo mentioned this morning also how religious / spiritual controversies can damage the cause of Yo Creo En Mi. Yesterday I think one of the volunteers was trying to convince one of the Christian participants that reincarnation is real and got into a debate or argument in that way and could have well set got the gossip snowball rolling which says that we are devil worshippers. Hugo & Walter wants a universal approach which can fit in all religious backgrounds or at least very many of them.

The gossiping makes believe that we are a cult that kills people and hurts souls. This makes the work of the foundation very hard, because it causes parents to disobey their children to come.

Yenny (pronounced Jenny) is another one of the stars. The biggest star in terms of how much Power she wields even though she is just 13. She is going to some sort of police fair. We (just about the whole of Club Yo Creo En Mi) have great confidence in her ability to present her personal progress and the work of Yo Creo En Mi and the involvement of the police with Yo Creo En Mi excellently.

2 of the Kids and a customer buying small handmade cushions the children made with Esperanza.

Today we shot some shots at the core of the city of Roldanillo inside the government main building and just outside of it. The personel here love us and greet Yenny & Hugo graciously and gratefully and treat me well too. It healed my soul to freely move around in a government building seeing how much sentiment the government people here feel to the cause of Yo Creo En Mi. Hugo, me and Yenny went around inside the government building meeting people who were all very friendly to us and helped us shoot the videos we wanted for her presentation. We trust them and they trust us. In that sense we are one. It healed a part of my soul to see that, it grew my faith in fellow humanity.

Tomorrow evening we (club Yo Creo En Mi) are going to gather. We are going to have tents, a bonfire and a good time telling stories and enjoying each other. Around here holidays are not holidays. Holidays here are empty and boring, with little to do. ¡This Saturday evening is intended to be enjoyable for all for a good and heartening change! Tomorrow morning or afternoon we are going to march to a local pool (or lake) which will take an hour and what else we will do exactly I do not know, but it will be fun.

On another note, a cake had been made yesterday or two days ago. It was supposed boost sales and a little fundraising at a market stand of Yo Creo En Mi at a small farmer’s cooperative. Today the ants found their way to it. We thought and contemplated about how to get the insects and ants off of it. It had been put outside in the warm sun, but that was not enough to force the ants away. Walter had already tried chanting. A few moments later I suggested putting plastic over it to make the cake and its plate a small greenhouse. It seemed that by the time I suggested that the idea had also already occurred to someone else. After a little while it showed that it worked, the ants had gone. To no surprise, so would I have if I were In a greenhouse in Colombia.

Will write more after sleeping.

¡Buenas noches!

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