Friday 12 November 2010

Peaceful and steady paces forward

Hey All,

Like 3 days ago Hugo, Me, Eder Walter, Yilbert, Daniel and a few others walked over to a house of a friendly family to shoot some shots for Yennies expedition to a police fair I hope I mentioned a lot. A took a few picture, one of them is directly below.

Yilber talked a lot about the 7 habits with E(i)der, a new quest who may turn out to be a volunteer (she doesn´t know how long she wants to stay) and very useful, because she doubled the amount of people that can speak and understand English at the foundation, on top of that she is not constantly occupied with doing things like Hugo is. She doesnt speak English better then me, but she understands and speaks very well. Yilber was talking her ears off in the photo below.
The day afterward the Juvenile group went out with me Walter and Eider for a small excursion to a cave. It was a grand fun time. It was a bit warm weather but very pleasent all together. We walked and walked up hill, to a hole in a fence to the little hiking trail which required a knotted rope to walk. It had rained quite a bit so we had to cross a river with a lot of flowing water. Walter carried a few kids across and the rest used their own two feet and hands.

On the other side we met Monica & I think the other one was also called Monica. They are two lovelady young ladies who went along to the cave. Once at the cave we went. It didnt seem like we were taking huge leaps. We are going steady and safely at this point in what seems like a very relaxed motion.

Recently Hugo was busy talking with one of the Kids called Laura. What it was about I dont know. Josey (pronounced Hosey) came and also asked something of Hugo and hugo replied sit down Hosey I will talk to you after I´m done talking with Laura. So Josey sat down. But in the meantime I interrupted him and he answered me, then after he was done with Laura other kids came and Hugo talked with them. So Hugo forget Josey in that moment, and that was a pretty sore experience for Josey and Hugo as well when he realized it. Why?
Josey felt he was being forgotten and perhaps also that there was a double standard, because he was not allowed to interrupt but others were. When Hugo was done talking with the other kids he got to Josey but by this time Josey got annoyed and said he didnt want to talk about anything and he went away.
Hugo felt pretty guilty. Hugo tried to apologize to Josey. Hugo tried to keep his inner peace but it showed that he was not.
So what is important to notice in this situation, did Hugo neglect Josey? He probably did and it was sore but mistakes like this will be made more times, and we have to deal with them and not destroy ourselves by feeling any more guilty then is useful.

Before Hugo related this, I, Hugo and kids went for a walk (lasting an hour) to Roldanillo during a period we did not have internet acces, we were headed for an internet cafe and a grocery store. I was using a stick to aid me in walking, because my right upper leg or right lower back is a little painful while walking. I also couldnt help but feel like some sort of patriarch and his brother like Moses & Aaron because of the stick. Beside the main road we walked alongside of I notice and ask what the various crops are that are being grown in the area.

Hugo related that some of them are sugarcane crops. Sugarcane has replaced many of the crops that were grown here. It is a crop which can be mechanized so that little labor is required. So with the advent of this crop, there less work for the people to earn their living with. On top of that, sugar cane is used to create food that takes the place of true natural and nourishing food. I pointed out that many of the people at the foundation were using sugar, and that it is hard to make the sugar cane go away for more productive things, but Hugo replied that it is hard to take it out because without sugar many things taste badly. If we dont serve tasty food, the kids wont eat or eat worse things instead. : below is a picture of some sugar cane.

Another issue is meat and chicken particularily. When we were shooting the videos for Yennys presentation at the police fair, I noticed a horrible smell coming from a tiny chicken farm (a few hen houses). I was surprised that the hen houses were dark inside and probably filled with a lot of chickens. I was so surprised to see the factory farming approach in the backyard of local people here. The hen house was shut off from sun light and the open spaces which would allow air to blow through were largely covered with plastic. Ugh.

The subject was brought up yesterday in a meeting, and Hugo I and I think Eider wanted to stop eating meat because of the practices. But we also need a good replacement, because we can´t just arbitrarily stop eating meat. We need some real food in its place. Just rice and bread every day is very stale but it is served at almost every meal. On the other hand, there are some very tasty soups here too! Altough I get the impression a lot of that taste comes from refined salt.
It is then I reiterated my enthusiasm about fruit. We need that fruit so much! Fruit orchards provide labor, require few to no pesticides or chemical fertilizers. "mega crops" like rice, sugar cane and grains in general have a strong tendency to be fueled by chemical fertilizers which destroy the vitality of the soil and the vitality and nutrients in the plant which we need for our nourishment. We notice the lack of it when food tastes stale. Back here the oranges are super tasty, even more then the oranges I am used to in the Netherlands.
Esperanza is the kind lady, Josey on the right, Pipe in blue shirt, Filipe to his left and Christian in green to the left. They were eating mango at the internet cafe.

I do know a lot of things about food and I think I can cause a little revolution here considdering food and how to change to a more natural and healthy diet that nourishes. I have put a presentation about nourishment on my to-do list. That to-do list is growing by the day. Sometimes also shrinking, God-bless.

Have a good day in Spirit and Truth made expedient and a blessing to all!

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